Get Fishing Resources

Calling All Coaches! We’ll fund you to run Get Back Into Angling sessions

The Angling Trust’s “Get Back Into Angling” programme is underway and there are still opportunities for Licensed Level 2 Coaches get involved. By boosting the confidence of anglers who haven’t been for a couple of years and making them familiar again with tackle and tactics we want to reintroduce lapsed anglers to fishing.

A short film explains how the programme works…





Contact Danny and Dave, our Angling Development Officers to get involved in Get Back Into Angling.

Danny Williams
Angling Development Officer (North)
Angling Trust
07854 240 368

Dave Evans
Angling Development Officer (South)
Angling Trust
07854 239 721

The “Get Fishing” campaign is run by the Angling Trust to increase the number of people being introduced to angling across the country. Anyone interested in going fishing can find angling events at Get Fishing Near You. The events listed are for all participants regardless of gender, age, fitness or previous angling experience.

Angling Participation and the Get Fishing campaign is supported by Environment Agency fishing licence income and helps to introduce thousands of people to fishing each year.

Thanks to Exeter and District Angling Association for the use of it’s Kia Ora Fishery – a newly constructed fishery complex set only a mile from Cullompton, Devon. This purpose-built fishing complex has all species of fish, and provides year-round, high quality fishing for experienced and novice anglers alike.

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