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Tell us your ‘Good News’ coaching stories!

Richard Hadley, Angling Trust Coaching Centre Manager and Lead Safeguarding Officer wants to hear from AIF funded coaches…

If you received coach training funded by the Angling Improvement Fund (AIF) please tell us how becoming a coach has influenced the community or club that you work with.

A simple Word document or email would be great – it doesn’t have to be too long either – less than 500 words is fine! That’s more or less a side of A4.

Ideally, your story will tell us how many people you’ve introduced to angling or supported on their angling journey. It would be brilliant if you could please include real-life experiences about how angling has changed people’s lives in some way.

This kind of ‘evidence’ about the positive influence that fishing can have on individuals and communities really helps maintain the generous provision of Angling Improvement Fund (AIF) Coaching Bursary funding by the Environment Agency.

This programme of providing Coaching Bursaries through the AIF is a great example of the real difference fishing licence money can make when it’s reinvested into angling infrastructure by the Environment Agency from fishing licence income as part of the National Angling Strategic Services contract.



Richard Hadley
Angling Trust Coaching Centre Manager and Lead Safeguarding Officer
07720 974811 |

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