
Aptus Tackle pledge to support Key Angling Trust Campaigns

The Angling Trust are delighted to announce that Aptus Tackle have chosen the Angling Trust’s Anglers Against Pollution and Anglers Against Litter campaigns to be the beneficiaries of their 1% for Water initiative.

Aptus Tackle are a relatively new company in the tackle industry with a very progressive attitude to our environment and the future of fishing. Their packaging is plastics-free and they have committed to donate 1% of their annual income to projects that affect positive change to our waters, here in the U.K.

Having looked carefully at the various campaigns and projects on-going around the country Jack Sherrin of Aptus Tackle decided to back the Angling Trust and pledge their 1% for water to two of our key campaigns.

Talking about the decision, Jack Sherrin of Aptus Tackle said “We want to invest in the waters that our sport relies on. It’s important to me that this money goes somewhere that will have a positive and tangible impact on angling, as well as the general environment –  so after evaluating lots of projects, we found there’s no place better for it than the Angling Trust and the fantastic work they do. “

Jack Sherrin of Aptus Tackle

In welcoming the announcement Jamie Cook Angling Trust CEO commented “As the National Governing Body for Angling, we applaud Aptus Tackle for their strong commitment to re-usable and recyclable packaging and for pledging 1% of their sales income to projects that benefit the water environment. It shows a commitment to the future of angling and I’m sure it’s a stance that will enhance their reputation amongst anglers. We are obviously delighted that they have decided our campaigns are where they want to invest that pledge. Our freshwater environment is under increasing pressure and if we are to have clean rivers, lakes and oceans to fish in the future we all have to work together now, to ensure that governments and industry share that vision.”



Aptus Tackle products are available direct from We will be announcing a special discount deal for Angling Trust members very soon.

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