
Save Our Fishing – your help is needed now!

If you enjoy fishing in Kent then please spare five minutes to support your fellow anglers who face losing their waters in Sevenoaks due to the unreasonable anti-angling stance taken by their landlords at the Kent Wildlife Trust (KWT).

Bromley & District Angling Society (BDAS) have been told that all angling should cease at Bradbourne Lakes on the Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve from 15th March 2021 as ‘fishing doesn’t fit in’ with the KWT vision for a ‘Wilder Kent’. However, their vision does include a major development of the site with an enlarged visitor centre and the construction of an area for coach parking.

Members of the Society have fished these waters since 1948. They have improved and cared for the site for over 70 years turning it from barren holes in the ground to an ecologically diverse amenity rich in wildlife and habitat and home to specimen carp, tench and other species. They have worked in partnership with the local birdwatching community on habitat improvement and site management when KWT was nowhere to be seen. Their reward is a Notice to Quit which the Angling Trust and Fish Legal will be fighting every step of the way.

You can find full details here including welcome support from other wildlife groups.

Here’s How You Can Help

There’s already been objections lodged from BDAS, ourselves and neighbouring angling clubs as well as groups representing bird watchers and beaver and otter conservation along with the former warden of the site. But we need the wider angling community the make their voices heard. This is the thin end of the wedge and an angling ban on this site will only embolden the antis to try the same elsewhere.

Respond to the Consultation Now

Kent Wildlife Trust’s public consultation seeking views on the future of the site ends on  7th February so there’s still time to make our voices heard. You can find it here

Four Simple Steps

  1. Copy and add your details to the pro-forma wording below
  2. Open the KWT consultation link above. Cut and paste your words into the message box, supply your contact details and send
  3. If you live in Kent send a copy to your MP asking them to write in and object on your behalf (you can find your local MP details here)
  4. Send the same or similar message directly to Kent Wildlife Trust.The details are here – and mark FAO Fiona White, Director of Education and Engagement

Message to Kent Wildlife Trust

(Although we are all angry about this please keep your messages polite and to the point. Feel free to draft your own but since time is short we’ve produced some standard text that can be adapted and personalised).

Insert into message box:

I have been an angler for [XX insert number] years and enjoy spending my spare time fishing in the beautiful countryside in Kent. Angling connects me and thousands of others with the natural environment.

I was appalled to read of your intention to evict Bromley & District Angling Society (BDAS) from their waters at the Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve. My vision for this site strongly supports the retention of angling for the following reasons:

  • Especially for youngsters, a developing passion for angling is often a gateway into learning about and caring for the environment.
  • Angling has been shown to help people with their mental health, important in times like these.
  • Kent’s army of anglers are often found at the waterside, organised into work parties by their angling clubs, clearing litter which would otherwise endanger wildlife, and making improvements to the aquatic environment.
  • Anglers are often the only eyes and ears on the water, reporting suspicious activity such as poaching and vandalism.
  • Angling leads people into a more natural world, appreciating all that nature has to offer.
  • Angling clubs educate members and youngsters about fish welfare and responsibility for the environment, most have rules about clearing litter before starting to fish, and again when they leave.
  • BDAS have fished these waters since 1948. They have improved and cared for the site for over 70 years turning it from barren holes in the ground to an ecologically diverse amenity rich in wildlife and habitat. They are the true custodians of these lakes.
  • Other Wildlife Trusts encourage angling on their reserves and work in partnership with local angling clubs. Why won’t you do the same?

I was going to post these comments on your Facebook page as well but I understand that you are deleting anything you don’t want to see so I will be sending a copy to my MP and ask that your unjustifiable anti-angling conduct is raised in parliament.

I urge you to withdraw your notice of eviction and enter into constructive discussions with the Angling Society on how best to retain angling on this site.

Thank You.

Keep an eye on the Angling Trust website and Facebook page for regular updates on the campaign to Save Fishing at Sevenoaks. Thanks for your support!

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