Get Fishing | Derwent Water Oct 2021-Derwent Netting 3

Get Fishing Blog

First try at trout fishing for brilliant beginners at Derwent Waterside Park’s Get Fishing Session

Get Fishing Blog

Dave Munt – Regional Angling Development Officer, Angling Trust

Dave is one of the Angling Trust’s Participation Team that organises angling taster sessions with clubs, fisheries and other organisations. This summer and autumn has seen hundreds such events with thousands of happy beginners getting their first taste of fishing. Dave got in touch with Get Fishing media team to tell us about

Dave writes: I thought you’d be interested to receive a short report and some photos of a great day at our Get Fishing at Derwent Water Park event yesterday…

Derwent Waterside Park (reservoir), was a fantastic venue to run this Get Fishing event with the Northumbrian Water Team

The feedback from the beginners has been wonderful – for example here’s what Phoebe’s Dad told us:

“Phoebe really enjoyed the day and hasn’t stopped talking about it all night. She’s been telling her Grandma and Grandad all about the day, showing them photos and asking when she can go fishing again!”

Lorraine Thompson had similar positive feedback about her daughter. Lorraine said:

“We absolutely loved it yesterday. Everyone was so friendly and knowledgeable and happy to help and we will definitely be back. There is now a fishing rod on Santa’s list!”

Here’s another quote, this time from Jacob’s mum:

“Jacob was a little bit anxious about the day as he hadn’t done any fishing before. However, he really enjoyed himself as everybody was so helpful and friendly. He actually said  that it was the ‘Best Day’ and that he cant wait to do it again!”

Get Fishing | Derwent Water Oct 2021-Shakespeare rod

Thanks to Shakespeare, Exclusive Tackle Partner and Angling Direct, Exclusive Retail Partner of Get Fishing,
for supporting the campaign to give more newcomers the opportunity to find out what fishing is all about

A huge thank you must go to the Northumbrian Water Team for their support and for the generosity in allowing the event to take place at Derwent Waterside Park (reservoir), completely free of  charge!

Also, thank you to to Sam Harris MBE for arranging the day, and to the Angling Trust Volunteer Coaches for giving their time so generously.


Thanks to the following for organising this event:
Jenny Thompson, Marketing Communications Executive,
Northumbrian Water –

Don Coe, Leisure Operations Manager Waterside Parks,
Northumbrian Water

Sam Harris MBE, CVFM Radio

Get Fishing | Dave Munt - profile imageDave Munt
Regional Angling Development Officer, (North East of England) Angling Trust
07854 239715

If you would like to find out how the Angling Trust can help with a project, club, event or charity please contact We’ve got a Team of Regional Angling Development Officers covering the whole of England and you are more than welcome to have a chat or send them an email – find your nearest one or via

Get Fishing is the Angling Trust’s campaign to get more people fishing more often. Each year we run hundreds of events for all ages and abilities. Get Fishing angling events are for anyone who wants to get into fishing, get back into angling or find out where to go fishing, who to go fishing with, what to use to start fishing and how to go fishing for the first time.

Our Get Fishing events are perfect for families looking for beginner sessions where you can learn to fish or get back into angling after a break –  because of the current public health situation it’s worth just double-checking events are happening – please call or contact the event organiser to confirm before you set off.

The Angling Trust’s ‘Get Fishing’ campaign is proudly supported by
Shakespeare, Exclusive Tackle Partner and Angling Direct, Exclusive Retail Partner
as we all work towards getting more people fishing, more often.

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