Get Fishing News

Three hotspots of England’s angling wildlife PLUS how you can enjoy angling and the outdoors

Enjoying the great outdoors and an appreciation for nature are all part of the immersive angling experience – here’s more info about angling and its environments…

Wetlands are fragile environments that are teeming with biodiversity  – approximately 40% of plant and animal species live or breed in them! They’ve been celebrated for their ability to store more carbon than any other ecosystem, absorb excess water, help prevent floods and droughts and protect coastlines. Here are three Wetlands that all have something in common… fishing!

Colne Valley, Herts and Middlesex

Colne Valley anglers are important stewards of rare habitats such as fen meadow, reedbeds, meadow grassland and wet woodland and a collaborative project between Colne Valley Fisheries Consultative (CVFC), and Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust celebrates anglers role as stewards of the environment and the positive impact that fishing places can have on fish and wildlife.

The Hamptons Wetlands Fishery, North Cheam

This ‘low key’ fishery is a labour of love founded by local Police Community Support Officer Gary Weaving and a dedicated group of local residents. It’s a wildlife sanctuary, a teaching facility for children and local residents and activities include bird watching (…kingfisher sightings are on the increase as a result of the presence of fish!)

Ashmead Fishery, Somerset

Boasting ‘wild and beautiful 17-acre wetlands’, spectacular surroundings and with a limit of just seven anglers at any time, a truly immersive experience offering wildlife in abundance awaits. The beauty and wildlife of Ashmead Fishery are captured by Heather Paterson who spent three months filming as part of her MSc. in wildlife film-making:

Want to get into fishing and spend time in places like these?

Find events across England where you can learn to fish for free or for a small charge to cover use of bait and kit right here. The events here are all part of “Get Fishing” the Angling Trust’s campaign to get more people fishing more often and every year we run hundreds of fun, safe and friendly events for all ages and abilities funded by fishing licences sold to anglers.

What to use…?

Don’t know what equipment to use, what to buy, where to go or how to catch a fish? We’ve got all the answers you need here.

Need more fishing info…?

To help you start fishing or return to angling, please contact your local Regional Angling Development Officer – you can find the nearest one to where you want to go fishing here.

About Get Fishing

The Get Fishing campaign to get more people fishing more often is funded by the Environment Agency from fishing licence income as part of the National Angling Strategic Services contract with the Angling Trust, and Sport England. Fishing licences for juniors under the age of 17 are free, but you still need to register and receive a licence in order to go fishing.

Get Fishing angling events are for anyone who wants to get into fishing, get back into angling or find out where to go fishing, who to go fishing with, what to use to start fishing and how to go fishing for the first time. Our Get Fishing events are perfect for families looking for beginner sessions where you can learn to fish or get back into angling after a break.

The Angling Trust’s ‘Get Fishing’ campaign is proudly supported by
Shakespeare, Exclusive Tackle Partner and Angling Direct, Exclusive Retail Partner
as we all work towards getting more people fishing, more often.


To find out more about environmental campaigns and angling visit

Header image credit: Pixabay


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