
Virtual Fisheries Forum | Modernising Your Angling Club

1 March 2022 7:00 PM - 1 March 2022 8:15 PM
Open to all


In this Virtual Fisheries Forum, we’re joined by Ray Richardson of Deeping St James AC for a look at how angling clubs can make better use of technology for the benefit of their fisheries and membership.

Although daunting for less tech-savvy club committees, utilising online tools in running a club can offer a range of benefits; from streamlining bookings and payment, through to enabling better communication with members. This session will highlight a selection of these benefits, and offer tips & advice for those who want to start adopting more modern practices for their club. Topics covered will include:

  • Websites
  • Social Media
  • Communication
  • Remote monitoring

Virtual Fisheries Forums are free to attend and open to all.

Tuesday 1st March 2022

Start time: 7:00pm

End time: 8:15pm (approx)



After feedback from previous events, our Virtual Fisheries Forums are now be broadcast via Zoom. Once you’ve registered, you will be sent a link for joining. You do not need an account with Zoom in order to take part.

Virtual Fisheries Forums follow a simple format, with a talk from our guest speaker, before an open Q&A session, where your questions will be answered. Using the Q&A function on Zoom, you will be able to raise questions at any time. We are also happy to take questions in advance of the meeting.

Want to know more? Contact Sam on 07415 384554 or via


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