
Virtual Fisheries Forum | Tackling Invasive Species in Yorkshire

3 February 2022 7:00 PM - 3 February 2022 8:30 PM
Open to all


In this Virtual Fisheries Forum, we explore the threat of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) in Yorkshire; highlighting the work and activities carried out by stakeholders in the area, as well as funding opportunities for angling clubs, fisheries and syndicates who want to help tackle this problem.

INNS are estimated to cost the UK economy over £2.2 billion each year. From an angling perspective, their impact on our waters can range from inconvenient, to downright destructive. Floating pennywort for example has been known to choke entire lakes and rivers; preventing access and posing a existential threat to angling where it becomes established. As a whole, INNS challenge our native ecology, creating imbalance in the aquatic environments we all rely on for healthy fish stocks.

One of the most effective ways to prevent INNS from arriving on your waters is to maintain good biosecurity, and stop the spread from one location to another. Where already established, effective management strategies should be implemented to minimise their impact. During this Virtual Forum, we’ll explain how these steps are being carried out; answering questions and taking details from those who would like further support in combatting INNS on their waters in Yorkshire.

This session is free to attend and open to all. It is aimed at all angling clubs, fisheries and syndicates in Yorkshire who want to learn more about tackling INNS.


Meet the Panel

Yorkshire Water: Rachel Naden & Dr Steph Bradbeer

We lead on Yorkshire Water’s commitments to biosecurity and invasive species management, Rachel is the Lead Ecologist for Invasive Species and Steph has recently joined Yorkshire Water as a Biosecurity and Invasive Species Advisor, after finishing a PhD on Biosecurity at the University of Leeds. We both work with our staff, contractors and a range of stakeholders across Yorkshire to develop and incorporate biosecurity into their day-to-day activities. This includes awareness raising, providing training and guidance, and considering where we can tackle barriers to biosecurity.

Dr Steph Bradbeer


Rachel Naden


Yorkshire Wildlife Trust: Alex Green

I work for Yorkshire Wildlife Trust as our Invasive Species and Biosecurity Officer. I work within a team who tackle invasives through treatment and coordination with partners, stakeholders and members of the public. I also run a biosecurity project in partnership with Yorkshire Water looking at improving biosecurity awareness among key water users in South & West Yorkshire.

Alex Green


Angling Trust: Dr Emily Smith & Ian Doyle

As part of the Angling Trust Environment Team, we work with anglers to assist in invasive species advice and management. Alongside our work on INNS, we also oversee the Anglers Against Litter campaign; ensuring that angling groups get all the support they need to help tackle the problem of litter along our waterways.

Dr Emily Smith


Ian Doyle


Environment Agency: Andy Virtue

I work for the Environment Agency in Yorkshire Area as our joint lead on Invasive Species. I work alongside William Kitts (Asset Performance) and together we co-ordinate the Agency’s survey and treatment programme for Japanese knotweed, giant hogweed and floating pennywort. Currently we are treating all the main rivers in Yorkshire for these three species. We also treat a number of other species if they occur on our land, such as water fern (azolla). In addition to invasive plants we continue to monitor the ongoing status of a number of invasive animal species, such as killer shrimp and American signal crayfish.

Andy Virtue


Thursday 3rd February 2022

Start time: 7:00pm

End time: 8:45pm (approx)



After feedback from previous events, our Virtual Fisheries Forums are now be broadcast via Zoom. Once you’ve registered, you will be sent a link for joining. You do not need an account with Zoom in order to take part.

Virtual Fisheries Forums follow a simple format, with talks from our guest speakers, before an open Q&A session, where your questions will be answered. Using the Q&A function on Zoom, you will be able to raise questions at any time. We are also happy to take questions in advance of the meeting.

Want to know more? Contact Sam on 07415 384554 or via




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