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National Fishing Month Events

National Fishing Month

The National Fishing Month for 2021 ran from 24 July to 30 August.

They were a series of events across the country to get more people involved fishing – if you’ve never fished before you can learn the basics at events HERE.

We want our wonderful waterways to feel an open and inviting place for everybody. So everyone can realise that fishing is about so much more than catching a fish. It’s a chance to get out in nature, have fun, spend time with others or relax on your own.

Steps have been taken to improve inclusivity, with a calendar that features family-friendly, Women’s events and wheelchair-accessible events. Everyone is welcome on our waterways.

Encourage everyone you know to find a free event near them!

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The Angling Trust’s ‘Get Fishing’ campaign is proudly supported by
Shakespeare, Exclusive Tackle Partner and Angling Direct, Exclusive Retail Partner
as we all work towards getting more people fishing, more often.


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