Sarah Collins, CEO of Get Hooked on Fishing, stands in front of a lake as We Fish As One campaign champion

Get Fishing Blog

We Fish As One Campaign Champions: Sarah Collins, CEO at Get Hooked on Fishing

Last week, we launched our We Fish as One campaign, which sets out our plans for community outreach at seven key pilot sites in England to make sure fishing is a truly inclusive experience for all. As part of this, Sarah Collins, CEO at Get Hooked on Fishing, is a proud campaign champion and already does exceptional work that informs the blueprint of our campaign. She explains more about why she is a We Fish As One campaign champion and how you can get involved:

“As we mark Social Prescribing Day (10th March 2020) we know just how much fishing has surged in popularity since the pandemic and awareness of its benefits has made its mark nationally and regionally. Its health and wellbeing benefits have been far-reaching. As we face an uncertain future, one thing is clear; our blue green spaces, the great outdoors and fishing can combine to be strong agents for community development. We must bridge the inclusion gap in participation by making sure we all act from a shared understanding that to be inclusive is to be welcoming, warm and accepting of each other, newcomers and change.”

“I’ve seen first hand the far reaching impact that fishing can have on the lives of young people and families from all backgrounds. The We Fish As One campaign is seeking to honour the transformative capabilities that fishing can have within us all. I know that it has personally contributed to enhancing the quality of my life and the time I have spent with my son, and this motivates me to keep doing the work we do at Get Hooked on Fishing.”

“I’m proud to be a Campaign Champion for We Fish As One, and hope you will familiarise yourself with our manifesto, which you can read here, and the standards and values this represents. I also hope by working together we can influence everyone within the angling community to act with respect and kindness and embrace the community benefits of increased participation.”

Get Hooked on Fishing is an angling charity which helps provide positive opportunities for young people and communities, and you’ll also spot them on our Get Fishing for Wellbeing Approved Partners page. The charity delivers fun and interactive training around the sport of angling. Their work is designed with the help of young people to give the participants more confidence and to demonstrate that there are alternative pathways and better opportunities available to them.

Sarah adds: “Our approach to community inclusion is two-fold. We look for both proactive and reactive opportunities to engage young people and communities. This could be a targeted approach with a community group that has specific needs, for example mental health support, through to family based events that introduce people to the benefits of blue green spaces.”

“Fishing provides an amazing vehicle to connect people not just with each other but with their own sense of self. I’ve seen young people come on leaps and bounds through learning a new skill, with boosted confidence and self esteem. When it comes to equipping wider members of the community with skills connected to angling on a long term basis, we know the benefits are far reaching for life’s many ups and downs. They come back to fishing time and time again to ground themselves in the tranquility of the outdoors and the mental health benefits of nature.”

To be further inspired by the work of Get Hooked On Fishing, visit

Find out more about how to become a campaign champion in your local area and download the toolkit here:

The campaign is dual funded by Sport England and the Environment Agency. Find out more about getting a fishing licence here

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